Archive for July, 2019

PostHeaderIcon Time to Update this Page again!


I have been busy Chasing this dream the past 6 years. The journey started as a choice I made back on May 22nd of 2013 to Attempt a single Ironman has now turned into over 6 years of hanging out with some of the most amazing people. I have decided to get back to documenting this journey on my blog and today I am here to say Hello Again. The past 6 years have been filled with many challenges and many setbacks and yet here I am less than 90 days from jumping in the ocean in Kona Hawaii to start what will be my 14th Ironman 140.6 race at the Ironman World Championships!

Over the next few Months I will update what is happening with my current training and I will also post stories about Special events that I have done in the past 6 years to get to this race.
