PostHeaderIcon Hy-Vee Triathlon 2013: Saturday Morning Course Preview

Hy-vee Olympic Distance Triathlon 2013: Just finished a 1300 meters swim a 25 mile bike and a 2 mile run all on the Hy-vee triathlon course. I only have two more weeks until my first Olympic distance triathlon.

I was feeling fatigued from a late night 8 mile run last night that did not get done till after 11pm. I have to pick up my kids on Fridays and by the time I had a chance to do my run workout for the day it got late. When I started the swim I had to roll to my back and regroup a bit but got right back in and finished the swim without any problems once I got into aerobic breathing. I did look around and see where everyone was quite a bit as this was the largest training group I have trained with in the water. I did the 1300 in 28 minutes. We had 14 people in our group this morning and it was a beautiful morning to swim. The lake was calm and the water is still warm.

After the swim we jumped on our bikes and headed out to ride the 40K route of the triathlon. Traffic was very busy and we heard some words of encouragement as the cars went by. A few even thought we were number one. A short distance into the ride one of the guys had a pedal come loose so Scott and I stopped to help him with his bike. I got the pedal back on and fixed and then Scott and I formed a line as we leap frogged each other to catch back up to the group. We were cruising at a good speed and caught them before they got out of the park on the route. That was fun to ride with another person who can set a good pace on the bike.

Once we completed the bike ride a few of the group stayed around to run the trail loop around the lake. We did a short run to get our legs used to running after the bike ride. We ran 2 miles at a comfortable pace and the trail was quite busy with runners and bikers.

It was nice to get out and preview the course for the upcoming triathlon and it was a great group of people of all ages and abilities to train with. I got my but chewed by Scott about looking around too much on the swim but I was expecting this and would have been surprised if he never said anything. He tells you when you do great and he tells you when you suck. I like that about him and his way of coaching you. He does not expect you to do anything he isn’t doing right alongside of you.  

1300 Meter Swim

1300 Meter Swim

25 Mile Bike Ride

25 Mile Bike Ride


2 Mile Run

2 Mile Run

See You at the Finish Line,


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