PostHeaderIcon 13 days to Copper Creek Triathlon

Just 13 more days till the Copper Creek Triathlon. Finally got to run a short 3 mile run today and the leg is still sore but not nearly like it was after the D2D. I am going to rest it some more and hope for a full recovery by the race.

Swimming seems to be the thing that keeps me awake at night as So far I have not gone farther than 100 meters without a break. I did over 1200 meters this morning but 50 meters at a time. With short breaks in between. Believe it or not the breathing out seems to be my hurdle as I tend to hold my breath until I come up for air. The race has 750 meters of swimming so I am working on getting up to that distance in a very short time period.

As for the Bike my A$$ is finally starting to adjust to Stella and her new saddle. I am feeling good about this part of the race. I like the new bike and it feels fast when I ride it.


See you at the Finish Line!

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