Hy-Vee Triathlon 2013 Pre Race full course workout
Hy-Vee Triathlon 2013 full race workout: Today we did most of the course for the upcoming Hy-Vee World Championship 5150. I will be competing in the age group division of the race next Sunday. I was with a coed group of 20 people and we did the whole swim except we finished back at the beach where we started instead of the transition area on the south of the lake. Once we finished the swim some of us got on our bikes and we did the 25 mile loop of the bike race portion of the race. Then we got on the trail and ran 4 miles to get our run in. The actual race is 6.2 miles.
It was a great day to test out the different parts of the race and get a few last minute preparations out of the way.
Now I start my taper into Race week. All my training is mostly complete. I have done the hard work now it’s time to go do it in a race next Sunday. My training for this week will be less intense and I will have more rest days. Sometimes taking rest day sis the hardest part about training for a race.
See You at the Finish Line!